Teamx uses the Biodex tool developed by Ultranauts collect and analyze data from team members participating in TeamX. The Biodex collects three types of information from each team member, which Ultranauts uses to provide you and your team with customized insights:

  • General information related to employment (the About Me section) – This information is typically already available to colleagues and employers.
    Examples: time zone, typical work schedule

  • Individual preferences related to communication, interaction and feedback (Feedback & Interaction and Communication sections) – Individual responses to these questions may be shared with your colleagues in the form of a Team Biodex, which includes individual team member preferences.
    Examples: What is the best time to provide you with critical feedback? What is your preferred mode for receiving information?
  • Personal information related to work style, past experiences, and desired work environment (Personal Orientation, Past Experiences and Recommendation Engine sections) – Individual responses to these questions will NOT be shared with colleagues or employers. Responses will be used to generate a Personal Biodex report, which is only shared with you, and includes predictions based on your responses (e.g. how likely are you to raise issues). Responses may also be used in aggregate (anonymized) to inform recommendations for the team as a whole.
    Examples: Which areas should your team prioritize to improve the way you work together? How can you improve your meetings so every team member can more fully participate?