Bring QA Back Onshore, Cut Costs by Half or More.
Offshoring QA can be the more expensive path to take when you look at time horizons greater than six to nine months, costing as much as 2X more than an intelligent approach to test automation. And switching costs are no reason to delay, because the longer you wait, the more technical debt you incur, so now it the time to bring your QA back onshore.
Nicole Radziwill, SVP Quality & Strategy, Ultranauts
Time shifted offshore QA vendors create unnecessary delays for agile onshore dev teams. Mediocre test strategies and execution result in costly external failures that damage reputation and revenue. Replacing manual testing with automation without a thorough understanding of business requirements and risks lead to unintended technical debt and delays. There is a better way, and at Ultranauts, we call it Intelligent Test Automation. Our approach combines risk-based test strategies, best in class open source tools, cognitively diverse quality engineers, a 100% onshore team and a hyper-responsive engagement model to deliver dramatically better value for our clients.
Industry benchmarks by Techwell claim that capable onshore QA partners can increase test coverage by as much as 90% vs traditional offshore testing vendors, Ultranauts has helped clients increase coverage by over 1000%. Those same benchmarks suggest lean onshore quality teams can actually lower monthly costs vs offshore vendors with lower hourly rates, Ultranauts can help clients achieve up to 50% in cost savings. How do we do it? With Intelligent Test Automation.