Universal Workplace
Ultranauts’ work environment is intentionally designed to be inclusive of everyone, which we call a Universal Workplace. While the concept of a Universal Workplace continues to evolve, it is underpinned by several Management Principles that have remained constant over time. These Principles define what is vital in the design of our organization, shape our workplace policies and practices, and guide our decisions and actions day in and day out.
Management Principles
At Ultranauts, our efforts to create a Universal Workplace are informed by six Management Principles:
Continuous Learning as an evergreen priority. To continue to evolve our capabilities and deliver superior value for our customers, we prioritize, invest in and enable our team’s ongoing learning & development.
Mental Health as a business imperative. Protecting the mental health and wellbeing of our team is as important to us as delivering value to our customers and generating returns for our shareholders.
Flexibility as the default choice. No single way of working, from where or when we work to how we communicate, is optimal for all of us, so we develop policies and practices with flexibility at their core.
Inclusion as a design principle. To create an inclusive work environment, we don’t just rely on each other’s good intentions or individual actions, we design inclusion into the processes and systems that shape how we work.
Transparency in decision making and work as a mutual expectation. As we differ in how we think and work, being open with each other, sharing context for our decisions, and providing visibility into what we’re doing is essential to building trust.
Collaboration over competition as a cultural norm. As a team with many unique strengths, our true advantage comes from combining the strengths of multiple team members which can only be achieved through collaborative teams.
At Ultranauts, our Universal Workplace is a work-in-progress. We still have much to do as we strive to meet the needs of our team and business while remaining true to our mission. We are excited to continue to learn and evolve our Universal Workplace, guided by our Management Principles and Design for Neurodiversity approach, and we will continue to push forward until we fully realize our vision of an organization that embraces diversity in all its forms and empowers our team to do our best work, together.
Training and Tools
As part of our mission to help other companies build inclusive, high performing teams, we have codified the learnings from almost a decade of experience and experimentation into a series of training workshops, courses and tools based on the practices that have emerged in our Universal Workplace. Learn more about our Training Workshops and courses